As an aspiring entrepreneur, I know all too well how much blood, sweat and tears go into these endeavors. The thing that we often need the most to get our projects off the ground though is MONEY. Sad, but true. It's also frequently one of the hardest things to get, if you don't already have it.
On Saturdays, we folks in Spookytown like to take a moment to focus on an up-and-coming project (often, but not always, in the horror realm) and let you know how you can help get someone's dream off the ground, if you are so inclined. Every dollar helps, so don't feel like there's nothing you can do. Please read on if you're interested!
This week's featured project is the debut album and video by the Black Marks!
The group: The Black Marks is a band based out of Maryland. In their own words, from their Facebook page:
"Formed in Spring 2009
Play in basement
Occasionally travel to shows
Go back to basement
Long for more shows while remaining in basement
Record, mostly in said basement
Long to climb the elusive staircase out of basement and into your heart, or at least, the living room of your soul"
The guitarist of the Black Marks is my cousin Mike, who has been musically inclined as long as I can remember. He's very talented, and the band's sound (what I've heard of it, not being in the area to go see them myself!) is great.
The project: The band would like to finish mixing and mastering their debut album, make CD's, and even produce a professional video. You can read more about their project, watch a video about it, and hear a couple of their songs on their Kickstarter page.
How to help:
1) The album and video project is being funded through Kickstarter. Kickstarter is the largest funding platform for creative projects in the world, and if a project doesn't reach its donation goal by the deadline, it doesn't get funded. All donations go through so it's very secure. You can go to the project's Kickstarter page and make a donation in any dollar amount you desire. Be sure to check the right hand side of the page, as every Kickstarter donation comes with perks - perks will vary based on the project. Some of the perks available on this project include free mp3's, a digital download of the CD, a copy of the CD, a signed DVD, and more! The band has been lucky enough to reach their Kickstarter goal already, but as we all know, there's always more you can do with MORE MONEY.
2) The band's Facebook page can be found here. If you're interested, check them out. If you're in the Maryland area and you like new music, head to one of their shows!
3) Of course, when the CD and DVD come out, buy a copy!
If you chose to support this project, THANK YOU. You're helping someone's dream come true. If you know of any projects that deserve to be featured in future Saturday Support posts, please comment here and we will be happy to consider it! There are many worthy projects and unfortunately we aren't able to share every one. Best of luck to everyone in their future endeavors.
Thanks so much Kristi